We know that the pressure of the board exams is at its peak. To eliminate that pressure, we provide well-experienced and top-notch CBSE class 12 Physics tutors online. So, our students learn all the fundamentals of Physics easily. Click on the below link to WhatsApp us or give us a call to book a free demo @ CBSE Master Classes.
CBSE Class 12 Physics Tutors Online?
Our CBSE Online Tutors knew that physics was not an easy subject. It needs rigorous practice and a well-disciplined approach. So, with the help of advanced tools and strategies, our tutors make Physics learning interesting. For instance,
- Easy-to-understand lesson plans
- Myriad range of resources like study notes, PPTs, question banks, and formulae booklet
- Flexible, tailored, and affordable approach
- Subject-specific and student-centric tutoring
- Additional academic support like homework and assignment help.
- Schedule lessons conveniently.
- One-on-one instruction and personalized feedback
- Build a strong base for the physics curriculum via whiteboard learning and animated videos.
- Overall academic performance tracking tool.
- Enhanced learning experience through discussion and doubt sessions.
- Real-time feedback and interactive classes. Customized study plan and comprehensive study material.
- Regular progress reports and weekly assessments. Free demo session
Our Physics tutors also help students understand how Math is related to Physics and solve Physics questions easily. So, they guide students in learning Math formulas and incorporating them into Physics concepts properly.
Syllabus Covered
- Get timely coverage of the syllabus with the help of our physics tutors.
- Electric charges & fields.
- Electrostatic potential & capacitance.
- Current electricity. Moving charges & magnetism.
- Magnetism & Matter.
- Electromagnetic induction.
- Alternating current.
- Electromagnetic waves.
- Ray optics, Optical instruments & Wave optics.
- Dual nature of radiation & matter.
- Atoms & Nuclei.
- Semiconductor electronics: materials, simple circuits, and devices
How We Fulfill Individual Learning Requirements?
- Our online physics tutors help students connect easily with the concepts of physics. By providing them with a customized study curriculum so they get:
- An in-depth learning approach to electric charges, Coulomb’s law, and superposition principle.
- An understanding of continuous charge distribution, electric field, and electric flux.
- Exploration of Gauss’s theorem and torque.
- Comprehend electric potential, equipotential surfaces, and electric dipole within an electrostatic field.
- Delve more profound in the study of conductors, free charges, electric polarization, and insulators.
- Acquire knowledge of capacitors, electric current, and capacitance.
- Understand drift velocity, Ohm’s law, resistivity, and conductivity.
- Find out how metallic conductors work with the flow of electric charges.
- Comprehend the temperature dependence of resistance, Kirchhoff’s rules, and the Wheat stone bridge.
- In-depth understanding of Oersted’s experiment, Bio-Savart law, and their application.
- Explore the uniform magnetic fields, straight solenoid, and current loop.
- Acquire knowledge of current-carrying conductors and moving coil galvanometers.
- Comprehend the magnetic field intensity and magnetic properties of materials.
- Identify how the magnetization of materials is done.
- Understand the phenomena of electromagnetic induction and alternating currents.
- In-depth understanding of RMS value, LCR series circuits, and AC generators.
- Find out the phenomena behind electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic spectrum, and reflection of light.
- Comprehend what the ray optics contain, such as spherical mirrors, refraction of light, lens formula, etc.
- Acquire knowledge of various optical instruments.
- Delve more profound in the concepts of wave optics, such as Young’s double slit experiment, coherent sources, etc.
- Identify the radiation’s dual nature and Einstein’s photoelectric effect.
- Understand the observations of Lenard and Hertz.
- Comprehend the de-Broglie relation.
- Find out Rutherford’s model of the atom and Bohr’s model of the Hydrogen atom.
- In-depth understanding of mass defect, nuclear fission, and mass-energy relation.
- Acquire knowledge of semiconductors such as p, n, intrinsic, and extrinsic.
- Understand the p-n junction and semiconductor diode.
- Existence of bar magnet and magnetic field lines.
Our tutors also guide students for their practical examination and viva voce. We want every individual to pursue a career in engineering, medical, or science fields with our guidance and support. We give wings to their careers and make them capable of sitting competitive examinations and cracking them easily.
With the help of our expert physics tutors, students understand derivations and solve problems quickly. They also connect with real-world situations and solve them effectively. So, take our demo session now and start the learning journey!